
/Sen F

About Sen F

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So far Sen F has created 135 blog entries.

What is Papua New Guinea?

Preface Papua New Guinea is known as “the wonderland”. There are more than 600 pure and beautiful islands, volcanoes, jungles, waterfalls, rivers … Pure natural ecology, peerless and independent. It attracts nearly 30,000 tourists every year to explore this “unknown” world. Do you know? This country has rich resources and unique conditions, is regarded as a paradise for tourism and navigation. […]

What is Papua New Guinea? 2020-05-18T14:57:22+00:00

Air transportation |How to choose the right airline? Preface

In air transportation, many freight forwarders have encountered problems such as unprofessional air service, inefficient efficiency, unsatisfactory solution, and opaque prices, etc. So, how to choose the one that suits you best? […]

Air transportation |How to choose the right airline? Preface 2020-05-18T14:58:53+00:00

UNI Logistics & Copa Airlines Accompany You to Explore Central and South America ~

Preface Panama, known as the “tropical paradise”, is located on the horizon of the Caribbean coast. Due to its good geographical location, Panama has become a well-known import and export trading country. Panama’s service trade is highly developed, accounting for about 77% of its GDP. […]

UNI Logistics & Copa Airlines Accompany You to Explore Central and South America ~ 2020-05-18T15:00:26+00:00


序言7月31日晚,土耳其航空公司主办的2017-2018年度代理答谢晚宴在广州丽思卡尔顿酒店荣耀举办。来自广东业内物流大咖欢聚一堂,正所谓星光熠熠,热闹非凡。厦门联合物流有限公司广州分公司经理梁燕嫦女士(Becky)荣幸地受邀参加本次晚宴。 […]

圆满落幕|2017-2018年度土耳其航空公司代理答谢晚宴 2018-08-14T10:09:11+00:00


近日,华商集团收到一封“特殊”的感谢信,信中表达了在“2018年知行中国-中美青年菁英”活动中,中国教育国际交流协会对华商集团大力支持的感谢和充分的肯定. […]

一封来自中国教育国际交流协会的感谢信 2018-07-30T10:19:29+00:00


序言 2018年6月海关总署相继发布了第60号公告及第61号公告,修订了《中华人民共和国海关进出口货物报关单填制规范》,修改了《进出口货物报关单和进出境货物备案清单格式》,于2018年8月1日实施。为便于企业及时做好相应调整,将针对此次报关单填制规范及结构调整通过本平台宣传。接下来,请跟着小编来了解下内容吧~~ […]

资讯|外贸公司注意啦~8月1日启用新版报关单~ 2018-07-24T13:57:05+00:00


 6月28日,太古船务中国区商务总经理严寒松、太古船务华南区销售经理Sam到访厦门联合物流有限公司。厦门联合物流有限公司常务副总经理陆芸、厦门联合物流有限公司厦门分公司副总经理蔡葵、厦门联合物流有限公司福州分公司总经理陈梢、厦门联合物流有限公司厦门分公司海运部经理肖小芬等一行人热情接待。 […]

太古船务中国区商务总经理拜访联合物流 2018-06-29T13:42:21+00:00