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Economic fight against epidemic must be won

/, Uncategorized/Economic fight against epidemic must be won

From Uni Logistics Inc.Feb.24,2020

Economic fight against epidemic must be won

The novel coronavirus outbreak that began in Wuhan, Hubei province, has spread across the country and beyond its borders, leaving governments at all levels in China scrambling to limit further person-to-person transmission of the virus, now known as 2019-nCov.

Measures to prevent spreading.Transportation affection.

Many provinces have postponed the resumption of work at non-essential enterprises following the Chinese New Year holidaytill Feb.09, with residents staying indoors. All the people must wear maskwhen going out to public place. Inter-city and inter-provincial transportation have been reduced. And some local governments have established special checkpoints to prevent vehicles carrying industrial products and materials from entering areas under their jurisdiction that contain factories.

Lack of MasksAs

the surge requirement of the masks & medical supply during CNY holiday for the outbreak,there is a large shortage for these material. Although China is the biggest production country for masks,around 20million per day, 50% of the world production capacity, comparing 1.4 billion population, it is still a large shortage in this special short time.This is a challengefor the whole supply chain. To support the supply for masks, many relative companies,like Automobile manufactures have acted fast to change part of their production line to produce masks to support.The situation should be better.

Measures to balance fighting2019-nCovand encouraging Economic

The Chinese Government is talking the most powerful measures to fight for the 2019-nCov. Till Feb.21, the confirmedcasesout of Hubei aredecreasing daily from Feb.03 and Hubei confirmed cases are also droppingon Feb.20. We believe things areunder control. At the same time, the Chinese government is also taking measures step by step to encourage the economic.Like 1.Offering some chartered transportation service to curb the spread of the epidemic during the return trips for the workers to come back from countryside to cities.2.Some local government cut taxes, reduce charges forhard-hit enterprises. 3.Pursue more expansionary fiscal and monetary policies, rolling over loans to troubled enterprises and allowing them to postpone repayment.

Factories,Companieshave resumed work one after another in the nation.

Uni Logistics Inc,with the officescovering all the main ports of China, is trying our best to support the international logistics supply chain,to serve our partners &clients. At the early stage Jan.272020 during CNY holiday, we had set up an emergency response team to discuss the work arrangementand Anti-epidemic measuresfor the whole company. Using our worldwide network with partners, we search for medical supplyoverseas to help the shortage situation in China. We providedfree logistics service and Cargo Insurance for donative medical supply.For safe purpose,we had our staffs online working at home till Feb.16.With sound protective measures, employees of our company, have startedto work in our office from Feb.17 and well prepare for the New Year.

Outlook on International Air transportation market.

As the outbreak, a lot of flights are canceled during Feb.2020 to and from China.The expert predict the end of the epidemic would be in April.2020. As recovery of the production, we believe that there will be large demand for airfreight capacity.And more cargo will be changed from sea freight to air freight and there will be retaliative increase from the second Quarter and the year. Let’s Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

Chinese people have, once again, shownour courage and solidarity in the face of a national emergency. And there is no doubt that China will win the battle against the virus.
