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New Gateway Opens on Maritime Silk Road: The successful maiden voyage of Milaha Gulf Express (MGX)!

(China Ports News) Recently, a brand-new "China - Middle East" maritime weekly Container service, Milaha Gulf Express "MGX" launched by Qatar Navigation Q.P.S.C. "Milaha”, with the representation of its Agent in China: Uni Logistics Inc. ("UNI") had successfully started its maiden voyage in Shanghai, marking a new stage of economic and trade ties between China and the Middle East region.   This new MGX product will enable best-in-class transit times between the Chinese ports of Shanghai, Ningbo, and Shekou, and multiple key ports in GCC Countries and the Middle East. The launch of the new MGX has marked new logistic maritime [...]

New Gateway Opens on Maritime Silk Road: The successful maiden voyage of Milaha Gulf Express (MGX)! 2024-08-23T18:22:39+00:00

Schedule Flight PVG-LIS-GRU Every Saturday

  Maiden Flight on June 27 th Shedule Fight Direct To Brazil TP A330 neo Without Seat 230 CBM Every Saturday PVG-LIS-GRU Preferential Medical Supplies & PPE Electric Products Acceptable UN3481/PI967   Contact Ms.Dou  Mobile/WhatsApp: +86-181 2076 4810 E-mail:doud@unilogistics.com.cn

Schedule Flight PVG-LIS-GRU Every Saturday 2020-06-19T14:20:50+00:00

1. Good news | UNI Logistics was successfully Listed of key Contact of China’s International Freight Forwarding Enterprises (2019)

Recently, the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China has been announced the list of Key China’s International Freight Forwarding Enterprises (2019), which is a government endorsed list for international freight forwarding industry. […]

1. Good news | UNI Logistics was successfully Listed of key Contact of China’s International Freight Forwarding Enterprises (2019) 2020-05-18T14:14:14+00:00

Economic fight against epidemic must be won

From Uni Logistics Inc.Feb.24,2020 Economic fight against epidemic must be won The novel coronavirus outbreak that began in Wuhan, Hubei province, has spread across the country and beyond its borders, leaving governments at all levels in China scrambling to limit further person-to-person transmission of the virus, now known as 2019-nCov. Measures to prevent spreading.Transportation affection. Many provinces have postponed the resumption of work at non-essential enterprises following the Chinese New Year holidaytill Feb.09, with residents staying indoors. All the people must wear maskwhen going out to public place. Inter-city and inter-provincial transportation have been reduced. And some local governments have established [...]

Economic fight against epidemic must be won 2020-02-25T11:32:50+00:00


知行中国—中美青年菁英项目作为第五轮中美人文交流高层磋商会议的重要成果以及中美人文交流的示范性项目。该项目每年邀请不超过10位美国各界青年菁英来华深度访问研修。学者们通过行走中国、体验中国,与专家学者、从业者和普通百姓对话交流,全面了解中国的历史和现状,深入研究行业问题,拓展职业人脉,结识中国朋友,成为增进中美两国青年相互理解与友谊、促进中美两国合作共赢的重要力量。 […]

资讯|2018“知行中国—中美青年菁英项目”学者拜访华商集团 2018-06-26T06:18:51+00:00